a Will to gift your property, or you may end up being homeless
To save stamp duty and time, some transfer properties through
gift deeds. But parents must ensure that gift deeds are water-tight
In 2017, when 71-year-old Mandar Bhosle of Mumbai gifted his
immovable property to his children out of love, he had not imagined becoming
homeless. A year after gifting the house, his son asked Bhosle and his wife to
move out. “I had signed the gift deed agreement that my son had prepared. At
that time, I did not realise the implications,” says a depressed Bhosle,
sitting in an old-age home.
Siddharth Hariani, Partner at Phoenix Legal says that most
parents tend to get swayed by their love for their children and gift away their
homes. “But they do not seek legal guidance when doing so and then have a
feeling of not being treated well by the children,” he adds. Often, elderly
parents do not approach legal advisors while signing the gift deed, as they
have complete trust and faith in their children or are doing it under the
pressure of their kids.
It's important to know how to make a water-tight gift deed that
can also be revoked if you feel unwelcome in your own home after gifting it
Is using a gift deed advantageous?
A gift deed is an instrument that allows you to transfer a
movable or immovable property to the donee (the person receiving the property).
In Bhosle’s case, the senior couple chose to gift their house to their children
(the donees).
Such a gift deed falls under the ambit of the Indian Contract
Act 1872. Also, since the couple gave away an immovable property, the Transfer
of Property Act 1882 is also applicable, which entails a written agreement that
needs to be stamped, registered and attested by two witnesses. In Bhosle’s gift
deed, the two witnesses were his son’s friends.
Why is a gift deed used, rather than an outright transfer, say,
though a Will? “The donee receives full exemption from income tax on receiving
the property. Also, the donee has to pay marginal amount of stamp duty under
the Indian Stamp Act,” says Zulfiquar Memon, Managing Partner, MZM Legal.
The stamp duty amount varies across states. Maharashtra has a
cap on stamp duty payable on gifting of residential properties to blood
relatives, at Rs 200, irrespective of the value of the property. “Whereas, if
you transfer the property through a Will, the stamp duty charges are flat at Rs
75,000 in Mumbai,” says adviser Priyesh Sampat.
Gift deeds also work. Sampat says that through a gift deed, a
property gets transferred within a week, whereas it takes about 8-12 months in
the case of a Will.
How to make a strong gift deed?
If you must choose the gift deed route to transfer property to
your children, make sure your agreement is made in a way that protects
you later. “In a gift deed, you must build a condition for the children,
asserting that we (parents) have a right to continue using the gifted
residential property and that it should be continued till the time we are
alive,” says Mayank Mehta, Partner of Pioneer Legal.
try to be a joint holder in the property instead of giving it away entirely.
“There is no prohibition in law that donor cannot keep a stake in the property
gifted,” says Payal Parikh, Managing Partner, ANB Legal.
How can you revoke a gift deed?
can revoke the gift deed at a later stage only if there is a specific clause
mentioned in the deed. Alternatively, if the gift deed has clauses that specify
a child’s duty towards the upkeep and maintenance of their parents with
dignity, providing for their basic amenities, fulfilling physical needs and so
on and if any of these conditions are not met, the parents can revoke the gift
such cases, the law considers the gifting as having been done under coercion or
undue influence, even without free consent or, worse, fraudulently. Parents can
file an application for reclaiming the property at the tribunal court and
revoke the gift deed under which it was transferred.
maintenance tribunal is faster and quicker in resolving such disputes. “Under
the welfare act, the tribunal is required to dispose the matter within 120 days
of being brought to its notice,” says Hariani.
sure that your application clearly demonstrates how the donees (your children)
has failed to live up to the terms. Section 23 (1) of the Maintenance and
Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 ensures that “the senior
citizens feel more protected. This act has been successful in taking the senior
citizens away from the rigours of long-drawn litigation battles with their
children before regular civil courts,” says Memon.
the donee is not willing to give back the property gifted, a lawyer can be
approached to fight the case in court,” says Parikh. Also, if you are incapable
of enforcing your rights for declaration of the transfer of property as void
due to illness or aging, it can be executed by an appointed attorney. But,
while presenting the facts to the maintenance tribunal, you need to be present.
A will is better than a gift deed
a Will, property continues to be in your name, whereas in a gift deed, the
property stands in the name of the done, the moment you conclude the gift
deed,” says Mehta.
always better to give your house to your children through a Will, instead of a gift
deed, especially if you have just one property – the one in which you currently
You may want to experience the joy of giving away your house to your children, but the
pleasure can still be yours by doing so via a Will.
Happy Investing
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