
Sunday, 6 September 2015

Things You Must Check In Your Mutual Fund Account Statement

Things You Must Check In Your Mutual Fund Account Statement
1. Accuracy of your name
Usually, fund houses print the investor’s name in bold, and it typically
catches your attention easily. If you notice any discrepancy in your name or
spelling, inform your distributor or fund house immediately to get it rectified.
2. Correspondence address or email ID
Your address and email ID are mentioned below your name. These details
need to be checked, and any mistake rectified at the earliest. It is imperative
that you inform the fund house about your new address when there is a
change in residence by filling up the change in address form. Registration of
your email ID is important, since, among other things, it will help you get
instant access to your account details.
3. Bank details
Ensure that the bank name and account number printed on your account
statement is correct. Otherwise, you would face hassles in receiving your
redemption proceeds. Again, in case of any inaccuracy, get it rectified
IPRU Insights | July-Aug 2015 07
4. Mode of payout: Warrant or direct credit
In the account statement, check for the mode of payment details. You have
the option of receiving dividends or redemption proceeds directly in your
account or through a cheque. If you have not provided your fund house
with the IFSC code of your bank branch, by default, the warrant option will
be the mode of payment. If you have provided the details, in case of a
mistake, do get it rectified. Else, you will receive the proceeds from the fund
house through a cheque.
5. Name of scheme and plan
It is important to check whether your account statement correctly
mentions the mutual fund scheme along with the relevant option (dividend
or growth) you opted for. Also, check out the frequency of the dividend
payout in case of a dividend option. In case of any discrepancy, this needs
to be sorted out, especially if you are relying on your dividend income.
6. Units and value of your investment
Your account statement records both cost and current market value of your
investments. The two figures mentioned in your account statement helps
you gauge the scheme’s performance and that of your investment on the
date of the account statement. If you have invested through an
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), you will get details of your SIP
instalments. Check the accuracy of the details.

Happy Investment

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