
Saturday, 17 September 2016

Why You Should Have A ‘Work Spouse’

Why You Should Have A ‘Work Spouse’

The work place can be brutal. A microcosm of the great wide world where you have to have your wits about you at all times, know who to trust and when to tread carefully. An alternate reality where the days can drag instead of flying by. A place that can eat away at your humanity be it in an office, a shop or a cafe. You get our drift. 
And when customers or bosses really start to grind your gears, you need that trustworthy person just as you do in life. That person that helps the days go quicker and keeps you grounded. Every Abbi needs her Ilana, just as Batman needs his Robin. Whether it’s having your back in a meeting or helping you bounce back when you’re having a time of it, you may just need a work spouse.
Someone to connect with

Sometimes it’s hard to unleash the real you at work, what if your colleagues don’t get you? The way you speak, the things you find funny, your interests and mannerisms. The work spouse however, does and they share your idiosyncrasies. Whether it’s a love of 90s RNB, made up Doge memes or weird sandwich combinations, they laugh with you and make you laugh. They pick up on your signals and react accordingly, knowing when to stay out of the way and when to jump on a grenade. They know what you mean before you’ve said it and a facial expression can take the place of a conversation. They’re your buffer, your spirit animal, the Kevin Costner to your Whitney Houston.

Someone to confide in

When it all gets too much and you’re close to jacking it in, the work spouse is a listening ear. They’ll let you moan about how difficult Laura’s being or how big an idiot Michael is, letting you rant without judging, providing a much needed catharsis confessional and helping you reach the right conclusions free of the rage fog which clouds rational decision.

Someone to big you up

 Unless the sun shines out of your butt and you have the blind, unwavering confidence of Donald Trump, there will come a time when you’ll flounder. The sense of foreboding that creeps up when approaching a deadline or the brain fatigue that comes with trying to solve the same problem for the umpteenth time can have a negative impact on your confidence. The work spouse reminds you why you’re there and how you’re going to kick this problem’s ass. They will help you don your war paint and won’t let you forget who you are.

Someone to bring you down

 And on the flip side, when you’ve gone too far and are about to make an ass of yourself, they’ll bring you down to earth. ‘Yes men’ do you no favours. The work spouse will tell you exactly what they’re thinking, potentially resulting in an ‘exchange of ideas’ which more often than not results in the expanding of boundaries. The work spouse spat is different because it’s out of love for your strengths that they highlight your weaknesses, and just as they call you on your crap, they shower you with it and fertilise your spirit.

Someone you can eat with

 And most of all, someone who will match schedules with you to grab one of those odd sandwich combos, listen to you moan, make you feel like a real human being, keep you in check and laugh at the way you always put too much spice on your food and have to blow your nose after every other bite. Someone who will save you a cake and bring you a coffee. In this increasingly faceless, money hungry world, someone who accepts and respects your humanity.

Happy Investing

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